Regulation of KSEI

No.DescriptionNumber of ICSD RegulationsNumber of BOD DecreeDownload
1 The Exemption of Fee for the Members of the Stock Exchange over the Trading of Mutual Fund Participation Unit in the Form of Collective Investment Contract whose Participation Unit is Traded at the Stock Exchange - KEP-0030/DIR/KSEI/0624  Download
2 The Extension of Stimulus Provision over Structured Warrant Service Fee at PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia - KEP-0028/DIR/KSEI/0624 Download
3 Electronic General Meeting System of KSEI (eASY.KSEI) Services Fee Regulation of KSEI Number VI-D KEP-0027/DIR/KSEI/0524 Download
4 Fund Account Regulation of KSEI Number I-D KEP-0016/DIR/KSEI/0224 Download
5 Securities Sub-Account Regulation of KSEI Number I-C KEP-0015/DIR/KSEI/0224 Download
6 Main Securities Account Regulation of KSEI Number I-B KEP-0014/DIR/KSEI/0224 Download
7 The Enforcement for The Utilization of Securities Sub-Account as An Alternative for The Depository and Transfer of Fund Owned by The Client - KEP-0013/DIR/KSEI/0224 Download
8 Know Your Customer Principles Administration Services at KSEI Regulation of KSEI Number XII-A KEP-0012/DIR/KSEI/0224 Download
9 The Exemption of Duties Performance Fee of The Payment Agent for Debt Securities and/or Sukuk Issued in The Securities Offering Through Information Technology Based Crowfunding Services - KEP-0002/DIR/KSEI/0124 Download
10 The Guidelines for The Submission of Securities Purchase and/or Sale Allocation Plan for The Purpose of Investment Product Through The Integrated Investment Management System (S-INVEST) - KEP-0024/DIR/KSEI/0923 Download
11 The Guidelines of Electronic Reporting of the Securities Administration Agency or the Securities Issuer Organizing its Own Securities Administration on eBAE Next Generation Reporting System at KSEI - KEP-0010/DIR/KSEI/0223 Download
12 Fee Policy for Liquidity Provider of Structured Warrant - KEP-0034/DIR/KSEI/1122 Download
13 The Procedure for the Convening of Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders Supplemented by the Casting of Votes through Electronic General Meeting System of KSEI (eASY.KSEI) The Regulation of KSEI Number XI-B KEP-0030/DIR/KSEI/1022 Download
14 Policy on the Adjustment  to the Instruction  of  Right  to  Receive  for the Clearing  Members  as  KSEI  Participants  for  the Simplification  of Exchange Transaction Settlement Process over Equity Securities - KEP-0024/DIR/KSEI/0822 Download
15 Integrated Investment Management System Services Fees at KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number VI-B KEP-0018/DIR/KSEI/0422 Download
16 KSEI Services Fees The Regulation of KSEI Number VI-A KEP-0017/DIR/KSEI/0422 Download
17 The Fee Charge Application Of Cash Withdrawal Through Bank Indonesia-Fast Payment (BI-FAST) At PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia - KEP-0003/DIR/KSEI/0122 Download
18 Registration Of Equity Securities At KSEI Regulation of KSEI Number II-A KEP-0042/DIR/KSEI/1221 Download
19 Exemption On The Opening Of Securities Sub-Account 004 For Client On The Account Holder Who Constitutes Broker-Dealer With Total Number Of Securities Sub-Accounts Reaching The Maximum Limit - KEP-0035/DIR/KSEI/1121 Download
20 The Facility For The Monitoring Of Investment Participation Ownership Of S-MULTIVEST Services User Client - KEP-0031/DIR/KSEI/1121 Download
21 KSEI Services Fees Imposed on the Parties other than KSEI Services User  Regulation of KSEI Number VI-C KEP-0028/DIR/KSEI/0921 Download
22 The Procedure for the Convening of General Meeting of Shareholders by Virtue of the Granting of Power of Attorney through Electronic General Meeting System of KSEI (eASY.KSEI) Regulation of KSEI Number  XI-A KEP-0025/DIR/KSEI/0721 Download
23 Registration of Debt Securities and/or Sukuk at KSEI Regulation of KSEI Number II-B KEP-0023/DIR/KSEI/1020 Download
24 Policy on the Cost Reduction on Stock Exchange Transaction, the Clearing of Stock Exchange Transaction, and the Settlement of Stock Exchange Transaction at the Negotiation Market - KEP-0022/DIR/KSEI/0820 Download
25 Free of Payment Instruction for the Book-Entry of Securities at KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number V-D KEP-0021/DIR/KSEI/0720 Download
26 The Stimulus on The Services Fees of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia  - KEP-0020/DIR/KSEI/0620 Download
27 AKSes The Regulation of KSEI Number I-F  KEP-0001/DIR/KSEI/0119 Download
28 Inspection of KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number VII KEP-0038/DIR/KSEI/1218 Download
29 Sanction of KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number VIII KEP-0039/DIR/KSEI/1218 Download
30 Working Commitee of KSEI and Budget Committee of KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number IX KEP-0024/DIR/KSEI/0516 Download
31 Single Investor Identification The Regulation of KSEI Number I-E KEP-0029/DIR/KSEI/0616 Download
32 Registration of The Integrated Investment Management System at KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number X-A KEP-0038/DIR/KSEI/0816 Download
33 The Procedures for the Utilization of The Integrated Investment Management System at KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number X-B KEP-0039/DIR/KSEI/0816 Download
34 RegIstration of Asset Backed Securities in KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number II-D KEP-0027/DIR/KSEI/0815 Download 
35 Depository of Assets Backed Securities in KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number III-D KEP-0028/DIR/KSEI/0815 Download 
36 Corporate Action for Asset Backed Securities in KSEI The Regulation of KSEI Number IV-D KEP-0029/DIR/KSEI/0815 Download 
37 Reporting and Settlement of REPO Transaction The Regulation of KSEI Number V-G KEP-0036/DIR/KSEI/1215 Download
38 The Policy on The Exemption of Charges Over The Instruction for The Entry of Secutities Without Payment - KEP-0018/DIR/KSEI/0414  
39 Regulation of Central Custodian Services Regulation of Central Custodian Services KEP-0013/DIR/KSEI/0612 Download

All the English version of Regulation of KSEI available on this website are translated from the original Indonesian version of Regulation of KSEI documents. Should there is any discrepancy of interpretation between the English version of Regulation of KSEI and original Indonesian version of Regulation of KSEI documents, then the original Indonesian version of Regulation of KSEI documents shall prevail. KSEI shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions contained in the translations. KSEI expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind with regard to the English version of Regulation of KSEI, whether express or implied, including but not limited to the accuracy, incompleteness or reliability of the English version of KSEI Regulation.”