Central Securities Depository Services
KSEI activities in managing Central Depository services comprises:
1. Deposit of Securities/Funds
a. Deposit of Securities
Deposit of Securities is the act of depositing Securities into C-BEST by conducting physical conversion of Securities or directly as proceeds of Initial Public Offering (IPO).
Investors wishing to convert Securities certificates may forward a deposit request to KSEI through the intermediary of an Account Holder (Securities Companies and Custodian Banks), by surrendering the original Securities certificate already registered [in the investor’s name]. Based on the deposit request conveyed through the KSEI system, the Issuer will conduct validation upon the Securities certificate. After having been validated, the Issuer will change the ownership data of the Securities Certificate in the Shareholders List from ‘in name of investor’ to ‘in name of KSEI’.
After the validation process is completed, the Issuer will deliver a deposit confirmation to KSEI that will further credit it into the Securities Account of the Account Holder.
b. Deposit of Funds
For the purpose of noting cash position in a Securities Account, the Account Holder must open an account at one of the Payment Banks appointed by KSEI.
2. Securities Withdrawal
An Account Holder upon request from an investor, may forward a Securities Withdrawal Request from digital format to Securities certificate in name of concerned investor, to KSEI. KSEI then delivers the Securities Withdrawal Request to the Issuer. Simultaneously, the Account Holder must also deliver data and supporting documents to the Issuer for the purpose of withdrawing the mentioned Securities. If the data and supporting documents match the data given by KSEI in the Securities Withdrawal Request, the Issuer will confirm and print the physical certificate bearing the investor’s ownership.
Securities that have been withdrawn from C-BEST in the form of certificates cannot be traded in the Stock Exchange. If the investor wishes to trade them again, than the certificates will have to be re-deposited into electronic form.
3. Reconciliation of Securities/Funds
To assure that the Securities and cash balance stated in the Securities Account in C-BEST matches the that noted by other related institutions, KSEI implements reconciliation. For reconciliation of Securities balance, KSEI conducts reconciliation of Securities with Issuers, while for reconciliation of cash funds, between KSEI and Payment Banks.