Asset Management Service

KSEI provides 4 kinds of Asset Management Services.

  • Securities Account Registration

    Prior to applying KSEI services, a Participant is to register as a user and sign a Securities Account Registration Agreement. In accordance with the Capital Market Law, Participant entities permitted to open a Securities Account at KSEI are Securities Companies (Clearing Members and non-Clearing Members), Custodian Banks, Issuers/Registrars and KPEI.

    KSEI will open a Securities Account consisting of a Shares and Cash Account for Participants declared having met the requirements as stipulated by KSEI, holder of which will be referred to as Account Holder.

    As referred to in Bapepam Regulation No.III.C.7 regarding Sub-Securities Account at Central Securities Depository Institution, Account Holders managing securities and/or doing so for the benefit of investors, are to open separate Sub-Securities Accounts for each investor; purpose of which is to separate between the assets of the Account Holder and those of its investors, to avoid misuse of investors’ assets. This is also necessary to implement investor protection and efficiency in distributing Corporate Action.

  • Change to Account Holder Data

    Registered Account Holders may for any reason report changes in data, such as change of corporate name, address, telephone number, etc. These changes can be made by delivering a note on data change of Account Holder addressed to KSEI. Specifically for change of “Name of Account Holder”, supporting documents such as Act of Establishment, Articles of Association Amendment, and Deed.

  • Closing of Securities Account

    An Account Holder may close its account by forwarding a Request to Close Account to KSEI. Prior to the approval of such a request, the Account Holder is required to empty its Securities Account and settle all its obligations toward KSEI. The KSEI system too will investigate on any remaining position or pending transactions yet to be settled.

  • Blocking/Unblocking of Security Account

    KSEI is authorized to block or revoke the blocking of Security Accounts owned by particular Account Holders, upon written instruction/order from Indonesia Financial Services Authory (OJK) or upon written request from Head of the District Police, Head of the State Attorney, or Head of the High Court for purposes of law enforcement in the civil/criminal courts). Securities and funds in a blocked account cannot be retrieved and overbooked until the blocking of the account is lifted.

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