Procedures Of KSEI Account Holder Registration
- Account Holder Registration.
- Applicant intending to become Account Holder contacts PT. KSEI, attn. Investor Management and Services Division (Account Management Unit), to get information concerning the procedures of KSEI Account Holder registration.
- Applicant forwards the application by filling-in KSEI Account Holder Registration Form (Attachment 1)
Parties that can become KSEI Account Holder are:
- Securities Company
- Custodian Bank
- Other party as stipulated in the provisions of the prevailing law and regulation in capital market.
- Document Requirements
Applicant is required to submit supporting documents to KSEI, comprising of:
- Articles of Association and amendments thereof;
Articles of Association submitted to KSEI is the recent one containing of information concerning company’s management responsibility.
- Recent Deed of Board of Directors & Commissioners structure;
- Copy of identity card of functionaries who sign the agreement with KSEI;
- Copy of business license/approval from OJK
- License as Securities Company, for Securities Company
- Approval for Commercial Bank as Custodian, for Custodian Bank
- Copy of recent Tax Registration Card Number, together with billing name and address;
- Copy of letter of domicile;
- Power of Attorney from Board of Directors to authorized officer appointed to represent Account Holder in dealing with KSEI (Attachment 2)
- Copy of identity card of (KTP), spesimen of authorized officer’s signature and mark, and spesimen of company seal (Attachment 3)
- Contact Person Registration Letter (Attachment 4)
- E-mail Address Notification Letter (Attachment 5)
Those documents must be submitted to PT. KSEI, attn. Investor Management and Services Division (Account Management Unit) at the same time with the submission of KSEI Account Holder Registration Form completely filled-in.
- Articles of Association and amendments thereof;
- Agreement Signing
To become Account Holder and open Securities Account in KSEI, applicant is required to sign Agreement concerning Securities Account with KSEI in a format determined by KSEI (Attachment Agreement).
- Securities Account Opening
- KSEI will perform the Securities Account opening process under the following conditions:KSEI will perform the Securities Account opening process under the following conditions:
- For qualified application, the Securities Account opening will be performed by no later than 3 (three) business days after the application is received.
- In the event that the application is unqualified, the application will be rejected. Afterwards, KSEI will notify such rejection and the reason thereof.
- 1 (one) Securities Account - Depository will be opened to each Account Holder to keep the Securities and or funds.
- Specially for Account Holder becoming Securities Company and Clearing Member, a Securities Account – Settlement will be also opened for exchange transaction settlement, comprising of:
- Securities Account for Securities and or funds delivery to KPEI (Securities Account - Delivering);
- Securities Account for Securities and or funds receiving from KPEI (Securities Account - Receiving);
- Securities Account for the depository of Securities and or funds placed as collateral by Clearing Member to KPEI (Securities Account - Collateral); and
- Securities Account for Securities lending-borrowing activity between Clearing Member (Securities Account - Lending-Borrowing).
- After the completion of Securities Account opening process, KSEI will give confirmation of Account Holder registration to applicant containing of data of among others: Securities Account number and PIN code to access into KSEI system (C-BEST).
- Securities Account number is generated through C-BEST, comprising of 12 characters and 2 digits check (totaling 14).
- Based on such confirmation, Account Holder is required to open fund account in one of the Payment Banks, comprising of:
- Operational Giro Account, special account applied to receive fund book-entry from Securities Account
- Settlement Giro Account, special account applied for fund book-entry to/from Securities Account.
- Later, Securities Account effectively opened can be applied by Account Holder.
Sub securities account opening for client can be viewed in Service Product Menu – Securities Account Holder – Sub Securities Account Administration.
- KSEI will perform the Securities Account opening process under the following conditions:KSEI will perform the Securities Account opening process under the following conditions:
- C-BEST Application
Securities Accounts are operated using C-BEST at the workstations of each Account Holder’s office. Account Holders must also use the Integrated Capital Market Network (Jaringan Terpadu Pasar Modal – JTPM) to access C-BEST. Currently, the JPTM is provided by PT Linknet Tbk and PT Mega Akses Persada (Fiberstar). KSEI will provide training to appointed Account Holder concerning procedures of C-BEST application enabling Account Holder to give instruction, view report, perform inquiry upon Securities and or funds position in its Securities Account.
- Fees
For the application of service products provided by KSEI, Account Holder is required to pay the following fees:
List of Fees Central Custodian ServicesThose fees are excluded of Value-Added Tax (VAT) and other tax obligations, if any, in compliance with the prevailing laws concerning taxation. Payment of such fees must be made by no later than on 20 of the current month by providing fund in Securities Account of Account Holder determined by KSEI. If such date falls on holiday (non business day), the payment must be made on the next Business Day. Delay of payment shall be subject to 1% (one percent) fine per calendar day as from the due date of such payment.