Eqy Essiqy

Director of Settlement, Custodian, and Surveillance

Appointed as Director of KSEI at the KSEI Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on May 25, 2023. Graduated from Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, and Financial Management, STIE Perbanas Jakarta. After completing her education, she started a career at PT Bursa Efek Indonesia in the Transaction Surveillance Division (1997-2018) and served as Head of Exchange Member Compliance Division since 2018.

Her other activities include coordinating various projects in PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, which include the development of the SMARTS Pattern Alert System (2009), SMARTS – JATS (2013) and the SMKI 27001 Certification Pilot Project (2013), as well as served as President Commissioner of The Indonesia Capital Market Institute (TICMI) since January 2023.