Shareholder Seminar 2017

As a continuous effort to educate practitioners in the capital market industry with the latest updates, KSEI held its Shareholders Seminar with the topic about Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 9 Year 2017 Regarding Access to Financial Information for Taxation Purposes, and Full Dematerialization on September 15th 2017 at Alila Hotel Surakarta. The event was attended by KSEI shareholders, as follows: Indonesia Stock Exchange, Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia, securities companies, custodian banks, and registrar. Furthermore, The speakers were expertises from their own field; the first topic was presented by Hestu Yoga Saksama, Director of Counseling, Service, and Public Relations from Directorate General of Taxes - Indonesia Ministry of Finance along with Leli Listianawati, Head of Information Exchange of International Taxation Subdirectorate from Directorate General of Taxes - Indonesia Ministry of Finance, and the second topic was presented by Ayik Candrawulan Gunadi, Partner of Ali Budiardjo, Nugroho, Reksodiputro (ABNR Law). The seminar hopefully helped audiences to gain a broader and deeper knowledge about presented subjects, and therefore can be properly applied to Indonesia capital market.