A. Definition
- Securities Ownership Reference (Acuan Kepemilikan Sekuritas, hereinafter referred to as “AKSes.KSEI“) is a KSEI facility that provides information on the ownership of Securities and/or funds recorded in various accounts, such as Securities Accounts, Investor Fund Unit Accounts, and Investor’s Cash Accounts, and/or other Capital Market related information.
- K-CASH is a comprehensive system that allows for efficient fund management at IFUA and provides access to valuable information about KSEI's products and services, as well as those offered by other collaborating parties. As per KSEI's current regulations, users have the option to download K-CASH from the official application or software distribution media using internet connection on their mobile phones.
- PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as “KSEI” is a company authorized by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK) to carry out business activities as the Central Securities Depository.
- USER ID is the username used by the user to access K-CASH. This User ID should be the same to the one used to access AKSes.KSEI.
- The Password is a unique code that every user of K-CASH must create and input in order to access the system. This password should be the same to the one used to access AKSes.KSEI.
- Personal Identification Number (Nomor Identifikasi Pribadi, hereinafter referred to as “PIN”) is a confidential numerical code that users create to authenticate transactions at K-CASH.
- Investment Products are Mutual Funds, Real Estate Investment Trust, Discretionary Funds, and other investment products stipulated in the Financial Services Authority regulation and recorded in S-INVEST.
- Clients are individuals or organizations who utilize the services of financial service providers in the capital market sectors, in accordance with laws and regulations, including KSEI regulations.
- Securities Sub-Account (Sub Rekening Account, hereinafter referred to as “SRE”) is a Client’s registered Securities Account within an Account Holder’s registered Securities Account at KSEI.
- Investor Fund Unit Account (Rekening Investasi, hereinafter referred to as “IFUA”) is an account that records a client's Investment Products and/or funds balance and movement, while also holding their deposited funds.
- Single Investor Identification (Nomor Tunggal Identitas Pemodal, hereinafter referred to as “SID”) is a code issued by KSEI for clients, investors, and/or other parties to conduct activities related to securities transactions. It is a unique identifier that allows individuals to access various services provided by KSEI or other parties, in compliance with regulations.
- One Time Password (Kode Verifikasi Satu Waktu, hereinafter referred to as “OTP”) is a special passcode generated by KSEI’s system and sent to a registered e-mail address in AKSes.KSEI’s e-mail address.
- The Fund Transfer Destination Account is the designated account for fund transfers registered by User through Mutual Fund Selling Agents.
- The user is a person who has successfully registered and gained access to K-CASH.
- S-INVEST is an integrated electronic system or facility which integrates the entire Order Routing Transaction processes, Post Trade Processing Transaction, and Reporting in the investment management industry. KSEI owns this system.
B. Registration of K-CASH
- Any person with IFUA has the privilege to utilize K-CASH.
- In order to utilize K-CASH, a User must:
- Have SID
- Have registered at AKSes.KSEI;
- Have an e-mail address that is registered in the AKSes.KSEI;
- Install K-CASH;
- Use User ID and Password that you used for AKSes.KSEI to log in;
- Undergo a verification process in accordance with KSEI’s regulations;
- Choose a PIN of your own.
C. Terms of Use
- Once registered, user have the ability to oversee and control funds in IFUA, while also gaining access to valuable information regarding products and/or services offered by KSEI and its partners via K-CASH.
- For transaction security and convenience, users are required to grant KSEI access to their location during first-time K-CASH activations and device changes.
- When utilizing K-CASH, users are expected to comprehend and adhere to the terms and conditions set of K-CASH. KSEI urges the user to read these terms and conditions carefully.
- If a user is below the minimum age or is considered a minor under applicable laws and regulations, their parent or guardian must obtain consent to use K-CASH in accordance with such laws and rules. These terms and conditions are applicable to all K-CASH users, unless stated otherwise in specific terms and conditions.
- KSEI has the authority to verify user who access or perform transactions. This may involve verifying personal data and/or requesting a PIN for specific transactions.
- KSEI can provide the User with information through K-CASH while fulfilling its responsibilities for development and dissemination.
- It is important for users to ensure that there are sufficient funds in IFUA before conducting any financial transactions using K-CASH. It is essential for User to ensure that all necessary information for every financial transaction is filled in accurately and thoroughly.
- The users will be asked to provide authorization for the instructions they give by entering different types of security information, such as OTP, PIN, username, or password. User are solely responsible for the use and confidentiality of all security information used in their transactions. KSEI strongly advises users to refrain from disclosing their security information to any third parties, including KSEI’s own staff.
- Upon receiving authorization, KSEI will promptly carry out the User’s instruction. User acknowledges and accepts the electronic information delivery method utilized for transmitting User data, along with all associated risks. All User instructions that are followed by fund transfers are considered final, binding, and irrevocable. The user agrees to indemnify KSEI for any losses that may occur.
- All instructions from a User that are stored in KSEI’s data center are considered accurate and binding on the User. They serve as valid evidence of the User’s instructions to KSEI for the relevant transactions.
- The transaction limit for K-CASH will adhere to the daily limit set by KSEI and communicated through various channels as specified by KSEI, in compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations.
- KSEI will accept and process any instruction from the user as valid, using the provided e-mail address, User ID, password, OTP, and/or PIN. KSEI has no obligation to review or investigate the authenticity, validity, or authority of the User’s e-mail address, User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN or asses or verify the accuracy or completeness of such instruction. Thus, the instruction will be considered valid and legally binding on the User.
- When user need to cancel a Mutual Fund purchase transactions (subscriptions) through K-CASH, please reach out to your designated Selling Agent for assistance.
- Upon successfully processing each financial transaction instructed by the User, KSEI will provide the User with a reference number as proof of the transaction. This reference number will be stored in K-CASH as evidence of the transaction being processed by KSEI, as long as there are no disruptions to the communication and/or cellular operator networks.
- KSEI has the discretion not to process any financial transaction instructions if the User’s account balance is insufficient or if the User’s account is blocked, closed, or frozen.
- The User is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the transaction instructions sent to KSEI via K-CASH. KSEI is not liable for any consequences arising from any incomplete or unclear data or inaccurate instruction from the User.
- When conducting a financial transaction on K-CASH, it is important to double-check the accuracy of the name, destination account number, and transaction amount. The User is solely responsible for any consequences that may arise from the transactions, including any losses resulting from errors in the name, destination account number, or transaction amount.
- The User must upgrade K-CASH if a new version of the application is available on the official distribution media designated by KSEI.
- The responsibility for any User’s inability to use the system or limited access to certain features lies with the User’s if they fail to upgrade K-CASH.
- The records, electronic information, electronic documents, printouts, and/or other forms of information or data storage contained in KSEI are considered valid and enforceable evidence of the user’s instructions that KSEI has processed.
- The user acknowledges and accepts the validity and authenticity of any electronically sent instructions and communications from KSEI. This includes computer records, transaction proofs, electronic documents, printouts, and/or other forms of information or data storage used by KSEI. All media and/or documents serve as the sole valid and binding evidence of the transactions carried out by the User through K-CASH.
- When conducting a transaction through K-CASH, it is important that all communications and instructions received by KSEI from the User will be considered valid evidence, even if there is no written and/or signed document involved.
- K-CASH will display transaction data from the past six days.
- The user acknowledges and accepts that KSEI has the authority to store and/or utilize data associated with the mobile devices or browsers used by User to download or access K-CASH. This includes transaction data, which may be shared with any other parties collaborating with KSEI, in order to enhance user security and facilitate seamless transactions.
- The user acknowledges and consents to the use of their personal data in K-CASH for the purpose of the Know Your Customer Principles Administration Service’s (Layanan Administrasi Prinsip Mengenali Nasabah - LAPMN).
- The User is not allowed to engage in any unauthorized copying, pirating, duplicating, reproducing, and/or modifying of K-CASH on any electronic device. The User shall bear full responsibility for any consequences resulting from such actions.
- The Provisions within these terms and conditions will not infringe upon or violate any of the User’s legal obligations.
D. User ID, Password, OTP and PIN
- Only the relevant User should use the User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN.
- The User are responsible for safeguarding the confidentiality of their User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN. It is crucial to take necessary measures to protect this sensitive information by:
- Ensuring that the User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN are kept confidential and not shared with anyone else, even close family members or trusted associates;
- Avoiding storing User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN on mobile devices or any other objects or media that could potentially expose this expose this sensitive information to unauthorized parties;
- Being mindfull when using the User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN to ensure privacy and security;
- Avoid using an e-mail address, User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN that could easily guessed by others such as those based on dates of birth or phone numbers.
- Users are fully accountable for any improper use of their e-mail address, User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN. The User releases KSEI from any claims that may arise due to the misuse of their e-mail address, User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN, whether by other parties or themselves.
- Using a User’s e-mail address, User ID, Password, OTP, and/or PIN in K-CASH carries the same legal authority as a written instruction signed by the User.
- User have the flexibility to update their PIN through K-CASH whenever they choose.
- If the User’s mobile device is lost, stolen, or transferred to another party, they should promptly report it to KSEI through KSEI’s Helpdesk and request the blocking or closure of their K-CASH access. The User is solely responsible for all transaction instructions made using their e-mail address, User ID, Password, PIN, and OTP before KSEI blocks or closes the K-CASH access.
- User should ensure that their mobile device, computer, and web browser meet the KSEI standards and are protected from any harmful software (malware), viruses, or applications that could potentially disrupt disrupt their transactions.
- KSEI reserves the authority to deactivate a User’s User ID if it remains inactive for a duration specified by KSEI.
E. General Provisions for Investment Product Offered at K-CASH
- The Investment Products available on K-CASH are NOT KSEI’s products. KSEI, as an infrastructure provider, does not assume responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of all information and materials associated with the Investment Products listed on K-CASH. The information on Investment Products comes directly from Investment Managers and Custodian Banks. Therefore, KSEI bears no responsible for any claims or risks that may arise from investing in Investment Products.
- The funds, Securities, and/or Investment Products owned by User and deposited in their IFUAs and/or SREs are NOT GUARANTEED by KSEI. Your funds in IFUAs and/or SREs are NOT COVERED as objects within the scope of the government’s guarantee or deposit insurance programs, in accordance with the laws and regulations regarding the Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan). Investing in Investment Products carries inherent risks that could result in the loss of some or all of your invested capital. Users are solely responsible for all the Investment Product purchase decisions they make.
- It is important for User to have a clear understanding of the characteristics, features, risks, benefits, and costs associated with a transaction involving an Investment Product before making a purchase decision.
F. K-CASH Access Blocking
- If user meets certain condition, their access to K-CASH may be restricted, such as:
- Entered the User ID and Password incorrectly three times in a row;
- entered the PIN or OTP Incorrectly for three times in a row;
- Submitted a request for a User ID block using KSEI’s existing mechanism.
- If their access to K-CASH is blocked, User must reach out to KSEI’s Helpdesk for assistance in resetting their User ID and Password, following the procedure specified by KSEI.
G. Forje Majeure
- In the event that KSEI is unable to process any instructions from the User, whether fully or partially, due to events or causes beyond KSEI’s control (“Force Majeure”), the User releases KSEI from any claims in connection with such Force Majeure. These events or causes may include natural disasters, wars, riots, nuclear disasters, radioactivity, sabotages, terrorism, pandemics, epidemics, strikes, government authorities’ orders, system failures, or other causes beyond KSEI’s control.
- In the event that K-CASH is unable to provide its services to the User due to circumstances beyond KSEI’s control (Force Majeure), KSEI may need to reduce and/or temporarily suspend K-CASH Services. KSEI will promptly inform the User, using the appropriate media channel. Such notification will be provided within 48 hours of the occurrence of the force majeure.
H. Termination of K-CASH
- Services provided by K-CASH will be terminated if:
- The User request the termination of their K-CASH account with KSEI Helpdesk, citing reasons such as discontinuing the use of their User ID or e-mail address; or
- All User IDs in K-CASH have been blocked or deleted.
- KSEI has the authority to discontinue providing K-CASH services to User who engage in activities that are found to be in violation of laws and regulations.
- The discontinuation of K-CASH services is governed by mechanisms regulated by KSEI.
I. Dissenting Opinion Resolution
- The User agrees that any difference of opinion arising from and/or in connection with the implementation of these terms and conditions of K-CASH between the User and KSEI shall be resolved in an amicable manner.
- Any difference of opinion that cannot be amicably resolved between the User and KSEI shall be resolved by means of banking mediation at Financial Services Authority or by means of mediation through an Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution included in the List of Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions determined by the Financial Services Authority.
- Any dispute or difference of opinion that cannot be resolved in an amicable manner and/or by means of mediation as described in point 2 above shall be resolved through the District Court of Central Jakarta, without prejudice to KSEI’s right to file a lawsuit or claim through another District Court within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
- During the proceedings of the dispute or difference of opinion, KSEI dan User agree to demonstrate their best efforts to continue performing their rights and obligations, unless such actions are likely foreseen to aggravate the conditions.
J. Others
- Users are required to report any issues regarding K-CASH to KSEI within one working day from the date that the transaction through K-CASH was made.
- The User must immediately notify designated Selling Agent if there are any changes in the User’s data.
- For any issues related to transactions, access blockage, and/or K-CASH closures, the User can contact KSEI’s Helpdesk
- KSEI reserves the right to modify terms and conditions of K-CASH as needed. User will be notified of the changes through KSEI-regulated mechanisms. Users are required to accept the most recent K-CASH terms and conditions to gain access to the service.
- The User acknowledges and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions set forth by K-CASH, as well as all relevant provisions established by KSEI pertaining to its services, facilities, and transactions available through K-CASH. The User will receive notification regarding these matters through KSEI-regulated channels.
The policies and standards that implemented PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) has established to uphold the confidentiality, integrity, and security of personal data belonging to K-CASH users are outlined below.
A. Commitment Towards Privacy
- KSEI acknowledges and upholds the privacy rights of its users with respect to their personal information and transactions.
- In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, KSEI only obtains and uses User’s personal and transaction data for purposes that are relevant or related to the use of K-CASH services, or for any other purposes approved by the user.
- KSEI shall not, unless otherwise required by statutory regulations, sell, exchange, grant, or display the personal and transaction data of Users to any third party without the User’s prior consent.
- The K-CASH application’s privacy rights regarding User’s personal data and transactions are safeguarded by KSEI via an electronic system that demonstrates the feasibility, dependability, and security
- KSEI shall retain personal information and User transaction data in adherence to the archive retention stipulated by relevant legislation and regulations.
- This privacy policy is subject to periodic review, and any revisions will be promptly announced on this page.
B. Users' Information Stored
The Users information is classified into the following three categories:
- The User voluntarily discloses personal data during the registration process;
- Collected browsing information which are gathered as the Users navigates through the K-CASH; and
- Information related to User, which include but are not limited to information on purchase transactions, investor fund unit account balances, investor fund unit account mutation, and securities sub-account balances, that are obtained from other various KSEI systems:
Data Derived from users Input
K-CASH Registration
User are permitted to utilize the K-CASH in accordance with the terms and conditions they have adhered to.
- Information Obtained Through Automation
Technical Information
KSEI will collect technical data from the device utilized by the users whenever they employ K-CASH. This data may consist of location information, among other things. The provided information is effective in facilitating analysis and advancing the development of K-CASH.
User's Activity
Information regarding documented activities while utilizing the K-CASH, including visited pages, utilized features, page retention rate, and other relevant metrics, will be collected by KSEI for the purposes of statistical analysis, troubleshooting, and K-CASH development.
- Display of Data from Other KSEI System
K-CASH will disclose Securities Sub-Account and Investment Fund Unit Account that are linked to User’s single investor identification number (SID) as well as investment products provided by parties in collaboration with KSEI.
C. Application of Information Displayed
KSEI will use User’s personal information to manage User’s account, execute transactions according to the User’s instructions, connect User’s account with User’s portfolio data, answer User questions, and to develop and disseminate information on Investment Products and KSEI services. KSEI may perform demographical and statistical analyses on the activities of K-CASH users with the intention of enhancing the K-CASH user experience.
The policy pertaining to the utilization of user email information is as follows:
- K-CASH reserves the right to send e-mails containing information regarding the administration of user account and KSEI services. This may encompass various types of information regarding, the services provided by the KSEI, such as validation user account identification, confirmation of data changes, notices regarding renewals or expirations, and comprehensive changes to KSEI websites and/or Privacy Policy.
- Upon transmitting an e-mail to KSEI, the user will be deemed to have acknowledged the potential for the email contents to be decrypted, thereby allowing unauthorized access by third parties. Hence, KSEI recommends that users exercise prudence when transmitting personal or confidential information via e-mail.
- K-CASH reserves the right to use the registered e-mail address to transmit OTPs for account verification and for the provision of additional services.
D. Protection and Security of Information
KSEI places great importance on the confidence that users place in it when they disclose personal information. Consequently, KSEI, therefore, KSEI makes every effort to safeguard its data security. Utilizing encryption as one method, but not exclusively, KSEI has established a robust security system to safeguard user information against unauthorized access, and dissemination, in addition to preventing accidental loss. However, KSEI cannot provide an absolute guarantee that its systems are impervious to intrusions, viruses, malwares, unauthorized access, or other security threats.
E. Policy on Sharing Information with Third-Party
In accordance with statutory regulations, KSEI reserves the right to comply with legitimate requests from law enforcement officials or competent state authorities for the disclosure of user personal and transaction data in furtherance of pertinent law enforcement processes and in response to law enforcement requirements, or for the purposes.
F. Delegation and Destruction of Personal Information
KSEI may delete and/or destroy user’s personal information from K-CASH system, except in cases where:
- To Fulfil legal obligations, future proof requirement, tax, audit, and accounting purposes. KSEI will provide user’s personal information during the use of K-CASH system or as required by the laws and regulations.
The user’s personal information still within the retention period based on the laws and regulations.
Users are required to submit a written request to securities companies or selling agent where user registered and KSEI Helpdesk regarding request for deletion and/or destruction of personal information
G. Privacy Policy Revisions
KSEI retains the prerogative to modify or update this Privacy Policy without prior notification at any time, any such modifications or updates will be prominently display on this page. The user is recommended periodically reviewing this page for updates to the Privacy Policy.
Through the use of K-CASH, users grant their consent to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of KSEI.
A. Security System–K-CASH
The K-CASH Security System is a policy and practice implemented by PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia ("KSEI") to demonstrate KSEI's commitment to maintaining and protecting privacy and security while users utilize K-CASH.
B. Security Measures
KSEI employs a three-layer security system to protect K-CASH users' access and transactions:
- Secure Socket Layer ("SSL"): A security technology that 'scrambles' communication paths between computers to prevent unauthorized reading by others.
- User ID and Password.
- Personal Identification Number ("PIN") for transactions.
C. Communication Protection
- Currently, KSEI uses SSL encryption technology version 1.3 with 2048-bit encryption to protect communication between K-CASH and KSEI servers while users access K-CASH. Any changes in SSL versions will be notified by KSEI.
- To ensure the protection of user communication, users should:
- Ensure they log out when not using K-CASH, even for a short period.
- Use a secure network when accessing K-CASH.
D. K-CASH Access Protection
- Users must input their User ID and Password to use K-CASH.
- To ensure user protection while using K-CASH, users should:
- Keep their User ID, Password, and PIN confidential. Do not disclose these to anyone or store them on your phone.
- Never disclose your Password and PIN to anyone, even if they claim to be KSEI employees or representatives. KSEI will never ask for your User ID, Password, or PIN. KSEI is not responsible if your Password and PIN are disclosed to others.
- To always maintain the security of the PIN or if there are any doubts about the confidentiality of the PIN, users must periodically change their PIN in K-CASH under the Profile-PIN Transaction menu.
- Avoid using easily guessed PINs like 111111, 222222, 123456, 654321, birth dates, car numbers, addresses, etc.
- Do not write your PIN in places where others can read it.
- Use a K-CASH PIN different from those used for other mobile applications.
- If you forget your PIN or it gets blocked, contact KSEI Helpdesk via email at helpdesk@ksei.co.id or phone at (021) 5152855.
E. PIN Usage
- Users must use a PIN to authenticate each financial transaction and to signify their approval of the transaction.
- Users must enter their PIN for financial transactions like fund transfers and/or subscription of mutual fund unit in K-CASH.
- Activities that can be performed without a PIN include: account information, transaction status, purchase history, transaction mutations, live chat, and administration.
F. E-mail Address and Transaction Information Protection
- Users must use their registered email addresses with their Securities Companies and/or Mutual Fund Selling Agents where they are customers.
- Users' email addresses are used to send information about financial and non-financial transactions conducted through K-CASH.
- KSEI KSEI uses users' email addresses for promotional purposes, gathering invitations, and other information.
- To ensure the protection of information sent to users' email addresses, users should:
- Provide KSEI with their registered personal email address at the Securities Company and/or Mutual Fund Selling Agent where they are customers. Do not use fake email addresses.
- When contacting KSEI via email, do not send confidential or sensitive account information, including but not limited to your PIN.
G. KSEI Website
- If users visit the KSEI website and browse to other sites not controlled by KSEI through URL links on the KSEI site, KSEI is not responsible for the content and security of those sites. Users should check their privacy and security policies.
- KSEI may change its privacy policy and security information at any time to adapt to current situations and technologies.
H. The procedure for using K-CASH can be seen on the instructions found in K-CASH
I. Tips for Using K-CASH More Securely
- The K-CASH system and network are optimally secured, and the security conditions are constantly monitored and improved in line with technological developments and existing threats.
- These threats not only affect the K-CASH mobile application but also all other mobile application users. Therefore, KSEI requests K-CASH users' attention to several potential threats.
Security tips for using K-CASH include:
a. Phising
Phising involves deceptive methods by certain parties to obtain someone's confidential information, such as User ID, Password, and PIN. Phishing methods include:
- Pretending to be someone from KSEI and requesting personal data for specific reasons.
- Sending emails containing a login screen and asking users to log in with their User ID and Password.
Security Tips:
- KSEI never sends emails as described above to users. If users receive such emails claiming, stating, informing, or acting on behalf of KSEI, User should delete the email immediately.
- If users have already filled out the requested information or feel their User ID and Password are no longer confidential, contact KSEI Helpdesk immediately.
b. Virus or Worm
A virus is a program created for specific purposes, usually damaging operating systems, applications, and data on infected media. Viruses can spread through various media, including email, disks, CDs, USB drives, flash memory, internet programs, networks, and malicious web pages.
Examples of virus impacts:
- Phones becoming unstable and frequently 'hang'.
- Phones slowing down.
- Data on phones being deleted.
- Application programs becoming unusable.
A worm is similar to a virus but designed to spread quickly. While worms generally do not cause as much damage as viruses, they can carry various payloads, including harmful ones.
Security Tips:
- Use verified antivirus software and regularly update it on your phone, ensuring real-time scanning.
- Be cautious when using email or messages, as viruses can arrive via these mediums. Delete suspicious emails or messages from unknown senders.
- Avoid accessing or downloading files or programs from unknown or untrusted internet sites.
- Ensure your phone's operating system and applications are protected with the latest security systems.
c. Spyware
- Spyware is a type of computer program designed to 'steal' important and/or personal information from infected phones and send it to a specific location on the internet for the creator to retrieve. Targeted information includes credit card numbers, User IDs, PINs, passwords, account numbers, email addresses, etc.
- Spyware can be installed via email attachments, programs from unclear sources, or malicious websites.
- Viruses can be programmed to spread spyware. Unlike viruses that are more destructive, spyware works silently to avoid detection, making it easier to gather the desired information.
Security Tips:
Use the latest antivirus software on your phone.
- Be cautious when using email or messages, as viruses can arrive via these mediums. Delete suspicious emails or messages from unknown senders before opening them.
- Avoid accessing or downloading files or programs from unknown or untrusted internet sites.
d. Bot (robot)
- A Bot is a type of computer program that, when installed on a phone, can allow remote control of the phone by others via the network.
- The Bot creator or spreader can do anything with the affected phone.
Security Tips:
- Use the latest antivirus software on your phone.
- Be cautious when using email or messages, as many viruses can arrive via these mediums. Delete suspicious emails or messages from unknown senders before opening them.
- Avoid accessing or downloading files or programs from unknown or untrusted internet sites.